I chose to write the text in Chinese, because everyone else was writing in English, and I didn't want to have the same thing as everyone else. Not only is this just part of their text, but the text you see in the picture are symbols. This piece above says "Forever In Our Hearts" Along with my cousins birth and death date, as well as my grandmas. The point of this was to focus more on the poisitve and negative space. I feel like I payed more attention to the type of design I put into the thumbnail. I feel partially successful, mostly because I didn't pay attention to the point of the assignment. My creativity went well with this, not so much the painting, though. If I were to redo this project, I would have taken my time more on the painting and pay more attention to the positive and negative space. The most difficult part of this piece was trying to paint everything perectly so that others could see to positive and negative space.
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