Thursday, February 9, 2012


                  I have chosen to do the art field of Photography. Although, Iam not really into it now, I could definatley see myself doing photography in the future. Not only would I just be doing photogrpahy, though, I would like to go to college for 4-6 years to become a successful RN. What is striving me to do this, is because so many people are able to take some really good pictures, and every time I see a good picture, I wish that I could do that as well, and take good pictures, along with others. College photographers earn about $36,370 a year. Earnings tend to be lower for photographers that work part-time. I would like to look at skill towards lighting, spacing, editing techniques and film development.
                 Portrait Photographers usually take pictures of individuals or even a group of people. They may own their own studio, and take pictures or go out to events like Weddings, Birthday Parties, or other Social Events. Commercial Photographers take pictures of places or products for commercial use in books, magazines, calenders, and even websites. Weather the product is being set with a human being, or the product alone, Photography is Photography. What I would like to look at more, is focusing on creating art out of my own work.
                You wouldn't really need to go to college for Photography, but if you would like to learn how to run a successful business in Photography, then I would say about 4 years. I think that if you were to go out and actually learn how to take pictures on your own, you would have a better way of expressing your creativity and the things that influence you. I would like to work with my friends, but if none of them are interested, I can't make them work with me, but it would be good to have someone helping me out, and working with me. After the research I have done, I'm still okay with doing Photography but, I wouldn't want to do it for a living. Like I said, I want to be an RN, so Photography would be something I would do for fun when I had free time.

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